Speaking of Travel® With Marilyn Ball

Land Remote Jobs And Work From Anywhere With Mike Swigunski

Mike Swigunski

In his best-selling book, "Global Career: How to Work Anywhere & Travel Forever," Mike Swigunski shares what he's learned from years of trial and error about how to travel long-term and advance your career. Mike is the founder of GlobalCareer.io, an international job board for remote workers.

Mike explores the future and explains how in today's world, the workforce is remote. But he explains how the real future of work will be more flexible and likely to be one where workers are focused on accomplishing goals to a high level of quality as opposed to filling out a timesheet and working 40 hours a week.  

 Mike has worked and traveled in over 85+ countries over the past decade and loves writing about remote work and entrepreneurship. A must listen! 

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