Speaking of Travel®

Composer And Conductor Victoria Bond Embraces Possibilities As A Trailblazer

August 30, 2020 Victoria Bond

Victoria Bond is a major force in 21st century concert music and leads a dual career as a composer and conductor. Imagination, fantasy and travel are all part of her creative life and her work is transformative. Travel has always been a part of her creative life and the first opera she wrote was called “Travels,” based on Jonathan Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels.” 
Victoria recently completed another version of the Swift novel, this one going back to the original and called “The Adventures of Gulliver.”  Written with librettist Stephen Greco and director/designer Doug Fitch, this opera is specifically written for puppets and will premiere with a puppet theater in 2022. Her own travels around the USA as a conductor also brought her to China, Europe and South America, and she has used these experiences in her creative works. 

Victoria was the first woman to be awarded a doctorate from Juilliard’s orchestral conducting program and also the first woman to be placed with a major orchestra in the Exxon/Arts Endowment Conductor Program where she spent two years with the Pittsburgh Symphony. An uplifting and passionate conversation! 


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