Speaking of Travel® With Marilyn Ball

Traveling The Spectrum And Empowering Families To Explore with Confidence

Stuart Butler and Peter Prokop

For many families with loved ones on the autism spectrum, travel has long felt out of reach. But that’s changing. Traveling the Spectrum is a groundbreaking new series proving that inclusive, autism-friendly travel isn’t just possible—it’s transformative.

Destinations like Myrtle Beach, SC, are leading the way with sensory-friendly programs, specially trained businesses, and inclusive experiences, ensuring that every family has the opportunity to explore, connect, and create unforgettable memories together. 

Because travel isn’t just about seeing new places. It’s about breaking barriers, fostering joy, and proving that the world is meant for everyone.

Today we’re joined by Stuart Butler, Creator of Traveling the Spectrum and Chief Marketing Officer at Visit Myrtle Beach, and Peter Prokop, Co-Director and Producer at The Workshop

They’ll share how this series is changing lives, giving families the confidence to embrace adventure, and inspiring destinations to become more inclusive. 

A must listen! Only on Speaking of Travel!

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