Speaking of Travel® With Marilyn Ball

Inna Faliks Is A Passionate, Adventurous Artist Of Exquisite Versatility

Inna Faliks

Ukrainian-born American pianist Inna Faliks was a performer from the earliest time she can remember and her distinguished career has taken her to thousands of recitals and concerts throughout the US, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. She is currently Professor of Piano and Head of Piano at UCLA.  

As a concert pianist, Inna's life was often consumed with traveling from performance to performance, across the country and around the world. In Spring 2020, all that stopped for over a year. Inna explains how she occupied herself through this drastic lifestyle change and began her weekly Corona Friday series.  

She also managed to release two new albums, one with music by Robert and Clara Schumann, and the other in which living composers responded to music by Beethoven and Ravel. 

In addition to performing and teaching, Faliks founded and is the curator of Music/Words, an award-winning series of collaborations between musicians and distinguished poets, which was the genesis of her current autobiographical show, “Polonaise-Fantasie, the Story of a Pianist."

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