Speaking of Travel® With Marilyn Ball

Speaking of Travel + Leave No Trace Series On Location In Australia With Richard Crawford And Special Guest

Richard Crawford and Ben Alcott

The Speaking of Travel + Leave No Trace series continues on location in Australia with Richard Crawford where he's busy working on Season Two of Leave No Trace TV. After a whirl-wind few months of travel, Ricky is in Australia with the show’s director and cameraman (and so much more), Ben Alcott. Listening to these two is a real treat! 

Ricky and Ben share how they’re witnessing a greener travel space emerge and how their views have changed over these last few years in relation to ecotourism and sustainability. 

They fondly share how they got interested in travel and sustainability and how the Amazon Prime television show, Leave No Trace, began. Discover some pretty cool places around this world where the destinations are making quiet change for their communities and the planet. 

And learn some practical tips for environmentally friendly travel that are easy to achieve.  A must listen! 

Thanks for listening to Speaking of Travel! Visit speakingoftravel.net for travel tips, travel stories, and ways you can become a more savvy traveler.