Speaking of Travel® With Marilyn Ball

Helping Navigate Responsible Travel Choices Moving Forward With Richard Crawford

Richard Crawford
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00:00 | 48:12

The Speaking of Travel + Leave No Trace Series with Richard Crawford of the Amazon Prime TV Show, Leave No Trace, continues to highlight the importance of conservation, sustainable travel and eco-tourism with helpful information to help you create your own personal sustainable travel experience. 

Through epic travel experiences in Season One of his highly successful show, Richard reflects back on the impact when the world hit the pause button due to a global pandemic. For Richard and his team, being on lockdown provided opportunities they would never have considered. Discover how staying connected to his world-wide community of people making sustainable choices gave them hope. 

Today, Richard is moving forward into Season Two of Leave No Trace TV and is looking forward to traveling again. Find out what destinations are on his radar and why and how you can travel to places where sustainability is applied to every part of your journey, no matter your budget, style, or destination. 

Also, Richard shares some exciting news about the growth of Leave No Trace TV. Hear it first on Speaking of Travel! 


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